Create Art Daily

Art is really important to me. At school I was clearly not as “talented’ artistically as some people, and the teacher basically ignored me. I didn’t cross her radar, and she wasn’t interested in showing how everyone can create art.

In our homeschool, we just do art as a matter of course. Sometimes it’s drawing, sometimes other media get involved. At the moment, Isaac is on a watercolor kick. Using a cheap palette from Amazon, and printer paper, he just paints. I have good watercolors, and watercolor paper, but he’s interested in volume, so he uses the basic stuff. Sometimes on the counter, sometimes on the deck. Spatter technique is a favorite of Hope’s, so that happened a lot today :-)

And this evening, Isaac was so proud to show me his stack of paintings, explaining and discussing the subjects and relative merits of each. He is an artist, as everyone is. No one is telling him otherwise.